.Skin Recovery Mask - 1 Box
這款新的面膜由我們特別精心研發的產品調配 - AQUA JUVE 為主導
Aqua Juve 是一個由3種不同的分子大小,多種量 (multi weight)的透明肌酸的玻尿酸來導入進入我們的肌膚不同的層面 (表皮,真皮,下皮層)而從中形成了一個透明緻密的肌膚水性保護膜來柔嫩肌膚,改善乾燥 狀態不穩定, 過敏, 舒緩紅肌膚,填充塑性不平整的肌膚結構,來達到一個更完美水性肌膚基地層。
小分子的玻尿酸: 進入肌膚更深一層達到修復受損及天聰細小皺紋作用,增加肌膚彈性,處境皮膚營養吸收,不過持續效果比較短
中分子的玻尿酸:適用於較深的皺紋和鄒澤, 持續效果也比較長
大分子的玻尿酸: 主要在皮膚表層形成一層透氣的薄膜,讓肌膚光滑濕潤,并且阻隔外來的細菌灰層等侵入, 保護肌膚免受侵害。
當然我們這裏還加入了WITHCH HAZEL提取成分主要針對收斂毛孔,紅腫痘痘,緊致肌膚作用。
當然如果有客戶需要達到肌膚基地的水油調理的,搭配與一層薄薄的AVOCADO面膜, 效果會有驚喜!
可以聯係 Instagram: @skinroots.my 客服瞭解更多。
1 Box = 5 sheets *35 Gram
Expired Date: May 2026
This Skin Recovery Mask mainly focusing on unstable, sensitive, dehydrated, redness and easily breakout skin. It mainly made up of Aqua Juve. Aloe Vera Juice and Withch Hazel as our main ingredients source.
AquaJuve ECT is a combination of three different molecular weight through extra deep processing procedures.It can build up and form a three-dimensional network and accurately target the different layers of the skin, thus to make the skin moisturized and hydrated completely.
AquaJuve ECT brings Creative combined molecular weight Ideal moisturizing efficacy Moderate absorption & penetration ability。
Benefits of Multi-Weight AquaJuveTM ECT :
High molecular weight forms an invisible and dense protective film on the surface of the skin helping to trap moisture and prevent external pollution and haze.
Medium molecular weight adheres to the surface of the skin to soften the stratum corneum, making the skin feels soft and smooth.
Low molecular weight combat preliminary aging, increase skin elasticity, and penetrate into
the skin for deep hydration and nourishment.